The Rules of Publication

Preparation of the Article

Articles to be submitted for publication in the Lifelong Nursing Journal should be prepared in line with the recommendations of the International Editorial Board (ICMJE-Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals/ Updated in 2017- -recommendations.pdf).

Randomized studies submitted to the journal CONSORT (, observational studies STROBE (, diagnostic value studies STARD ( systematic review and meta-analyses PRISMA ( ), qualitative studies COREQ ( and nonrandomized behavioral and public health studies follow TREND ( guidelines should be.

Documents to be submitted with the article;

  1. Cover letter

In the application letter; if the article was previously published in a scientific journal, book, etc. Information about whether it is published or in the application process, information about the importance of the researched subject, information about whether the author has a conflict of interest and financial support, and the contact information of the responsible author should be included.

  1. Title Page

The title page must be uploaded to the system as a separate Microsoft Word file.

On the title page; Titles of the article in Turkish and English, short titles in Turkish and English (maximum 40 characters with space), authors' name, surname, title, and institution they work for, name and contact information of the responsible author, Conflict of Interest Statement, Corporate and Financial Support Statement, Author Contributions, Ethics Committee Permission (Committee name, date and number), Acknowledgment information should be included.

  1. Article

The main text should include the Turkish and English summary of the article and the main text.

General Rules for the Preparation of Manuscripts (Format)

The article should be written in Times New Roman font with 12 font size and 2 line spacing. The entire article should be justified, and the heading and paragraph entries should be left justified.

Main headings (first level) should be written in 14 points, bold and first letters capitalized. Sub-headings (second level) under the main headings should be 12 points, bold and their first letters capitalized. Other headings (third level) under the subheadings should be written in 12 pt, bold and small.

At the end of the sentence, no space should be left before the period and the sentence should be started by leaving a space after the period.

There should be no space before the comma and space should be left between the words in the sentence.

When separating decimal numbers, dots should be used, not commas.

It should be written without leaving any spaces between the percent (%) sign and the numbers. The percent sign should be written before the number in Turkish articles and after the number in English articles.

Where ( ), “ ” and / signs are used, before and after the sentence/word should be written without any spaces.

Numbers or letters should not be used in itemizations in the text.

Various statistics; For example, when reporting analysis of variance values ​​(F, t, z), correlation (R, r), and other statistical indicators, italics should be shown.

All units used must be “Systeme Internationale” (SI) units. Generic names of drugs should be used. Trade names should not be used.

Abbreviations should not be used in the title or abstract. Abbreviations should be made where the relevant words are first used in the text and the number of abbreviations should be as few as possible.

The source should not be cited in the abstract.

Table titles should be given above the table and the first letter of the words should be capitalized (Ex: Table 1: Symptomatic Characteristics of the Patients).

Figure/graphic titles should be given below the figure/graphics, italicized and the first letter of the words should be lowercase (For example Figure 1: Distribution of nurses according to their departments).


All articles should contain both Turkish and English abstracts and should be presented on separate pages. Abstracts should be no more than 200 words each. The Turkish abstract section of the research articles is from the "Aim, Method, Findings, Conclusion" sections; The English abstract should consist of “Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion” sections. At the end of the abstract, 3-6 keywords should be given in Turkish and English. Turkish keywords should be in accordance with “Turkish Science Terms” and should be selected from English keywords must comply with “Index Medicus: Medical Subject Heading (MeSH)” standards. The first keyword should start with a capital letter, the first letter of the other words should be written in lowercase, there should be a semicolon (;) between the words, and a period should be placed at the end of the last word.

Main Text

Research articles; These are the reported studies that have completed the scientific research process. Research articles should be a maximum of 5000 words, including abstracts, figures, tables and references. These articles should be structured as follows;

ABSTRACT (150-200 words, should be prepared in Turkish and English), INTRODUCTION -Purpose of the Study-, MATERIAL and METHODS- Type of Research, Research Population and Sample, Data Collection Tools, Application of Data Collection Tools, Ethical Dimension of the Study, Data Analysis, Limitations of the Study- , FINDINGS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS, REFERENCES

Review articles; These are the studies in which the discussions about the subject and the views of the author/authors are put forward by using the national and international literature on current and need-oriented issues in the field of nursing. It should be a maximum of 3000 words. Review articles should be structured as given below;

ABSTRACT (150-200 words, should be prepared in Turkish and English), INTRODUCTION -Purpose, Other topics related to the subject-, CONCLUSION and SUGGESTIONS, REFERENCES

Case report; These are studies that include cases with significant clinical experience in the field. It should be no more than 2000 words. Case reports should be structured as follows;

ABSTRACT (150-200 words, should be prepared in Turkish and English), INTRODUCTION -Purpose-, CASE REPORT, DISCUSSION, REFERENCES

Letter to the editor; These are the articles that contain opinions, contributions, questions about the articles published in the journal and do not have title and abstract sections. It should be a maximum of 500 words. The name of the article referred to in the letter to the editor, the number and date of publication should be specified, the name, institution and address of the person who wrote the letter should be given.


Abbreviations should not be used in the article title and abstract. Abbreviations should be defined in the main text at the first use, and the abbreviation should be given in parentheses after the definition.

Tables and Figures/Graphics

The titles of all tables and figures/graphics should be written and numbered according to the order in which they are used in the text. Figures must be in digital format, jpeg recorded and 300 dpi resolution. Tables and figures/graphics should be given after the references and each on a separate page.


References should be written in Vancouver style (see The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the sources. The following rules should be observed when writing references.

 Citation in the text

References in the text should be numbered in the order of use and the reference list should be presented in this order. The reference number should be indicated in the relevant place, in parentheses and in superscript. If more than one source is used, a comma must be placed between the sources. If there are three or more consecutive sources, “-” should be placed between the starting number and the last digit (Example: (1-4) instead of 1,2,3,4).


Willgerodt MA, Brock DM, Maughan ED. Public school nursing practice in the United States. The Journal of School Nursing. 2018;19(9):1-13. doi: 10.1177/1059840517752456
Anderson LJW, Schaffer MA, Hiltz C, O'Leary SA, Luehr RE, Yoney EL. Public health interventions: School nurse practice stories. J Sch Nurs. 2017:1059840517721951. doi: 10.1177/1059840517721951.

Li Z, Huang I-C, Thompson L, Tuli S, Huang S, DeWalt D, et al. The relationships between asthma control, daytime Sleepiness, and quality of life among children with asthma: a path analysis. Sleep Med. 2013;14(7):641-647. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2013.04.002.

Makalenin DOI numarası yok ise internet ulaşım adresi verilir. 
Bebiş H, Özdemir Ö. Kreşlerde okul sağlığı hizmetleri ve hemşirelik. Turk J Public Health. 2013;11(3):186-96. Available from:

Glauser TA. Integrating clinical trial data into clinical practice. Neurology. 2002;58(12 Suppl 7):S6-12.

Maurer FA, Smith CM. Community / Public health nursing practice health for families and Populations. 5th ed. Elsevier; 2013.

Editorial Information:

Wold SJ. School health services: History and trends. Schwab NC, Gelfman MHB, editors. Legal issues in school health services. Sunrise River Press; 2005.

Madge N, Franklin A. Needs and provision: Change, Challenge and School Nursing. London: Jessica Kingsley 325 Publishers; 2003. p. 9- 20.

Translate Book: 

Mosley M. Akıllı Bağırsak.  Müderrisoğlu Aktaş G, translator. İstanbul: Yakamoz Kitap; 2018.

Chapter in Translate Book: 
Oermann MH, Hays JC. Yazma Süreci. Gürsoy E, çeviren. Hemşirelikte Yayın Yazarlığı. 4’üncü Baskı. Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık;2020. p.241-318.


Koley Kumar T, Dhole M. The Covid-19 Pandemic. The Deadly Coronavirus Outbreak. London and New York: Taylor and Francis Group; 2020. Available from:

Loschiavo J. Fast facts for the school nurse: School nursing in a nutshell. 2 ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company; 2015.Available from:

 Halk Sağlığı Günleri III. Ulusal Okul Sağlığı Sempozyumu “Okul Sağlığında Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı” Konuşma Metinleri ve Bildiri Özetleri. 08-09 Eylül 2014. Ankara. Available from: https://kutuphane. cocuk-ergen-sagl-g/324/halk-sagl-g-guenleri-iii-ulusal-o

NASN. Position statement: Role of the school nurse. 2012. Available from: position-statements

Internet Resources: 

World Health Organization (WHO). What is pandemic? Access: 03.12.2020. Available from:


Davis K. What to know about sleep deprivation.  MedicalNewsToday. Access: 04.12.2020.   Available form:
Tokur Kesgin M. Hastanede çalışan hemşirelere yönelik iş sağlığı hemşireliği uygulamalarında Omaha sınıflama sisteminin kullanılması [Doktora tezi]. Ankara: Hacettepe University, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2010.

  1. Copyright Transfer Form

Starting from the evaluation of the articles, the authors transfer all their copyrights to the journal within the framework of national and international laws. For this, the Copyright Transfer Form signed by all authors must be uploaded to the system during the entry of the articles into the system.

  1. Conflicts of Interest

Persons and organizations from which all kinds of aid and other support for research are received should be declared to the editorial board, and the ICMJE Potential Conflicts of Interest Notification Form should be filled and uploaded to the system in order to explain the situations related to conflicts of interest.

In the articles requested to be corrected after the application; ,

The author should upload three word files: a word file in which the referee's corrections are displayed in a different color, a word file that does not have any markings on it, and another word file in which the answers to the referee's corrections are written.

There is no need to reload other files at this stage.

In case the article is accepted;

The prepress version of the article is sent to the authors by the editor. After the articles found suitable for publication in the journal are checked by their authors for the last time, any explanation on the word text, writing in different colors, shape changes, etc., in case of corrections or changes. It should be uploaded to the system for the last time in the form of a word file without taking place. Articles that are not reloaded are published in the journal with the final form sent to the author.